Using Infor GenAI for product attributes and translations

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AI-powered product attributes and translations


Adding important product attributes is often a manual process, but it can be the difference in whether a customer does or does not make a purchase.

Translating product descriptions in various languages is critical for international expansion, which can also be time-consuming and costly. If you don’t find a way to automate attributes and translations, you will slow down your time to market and hinder your sales potential.

Infor GenAI, built directly into Infor CloudSuite Distribution, streamlines product information management and automates product attributes and translations, freeing your team to focus on what matters most – growing the business.

Learn how Infor GenAI can help accelerate your productivity, speed time to market, and expand your reach.

Available in October 2024.

th Using Infor GenAI for product attributes and translations Video 1920x1080 English 0724

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