Infor WFM features and functionality to help keep your people safe

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September 11, 2020

Infor prioritizes the safety of its customers and their employees. The Infor Workforce Management (WFM) team believes the strength of an organization is its people, and to keep businesses healthy depends on keeping employees healthy and safe. We are here to help, with information about relevant features and functionality that can help your organization respond to COVID-19 and evolve in the new normal.

Contact Tracing
Infor WFM includes configurable Work Detail Filters on both the Daily Timesheet and Supervisor Approval Worksheet. When an employee is identified as exposed to the COVID-19 virus, enabling these filters can help quickly find other employees who worked on the same team or the same department at the same time as that person.

In addition, the new Employee Contact Report empowers an organization to find employees that have potentially been in contact with a selected employee. The report allows qualified users to identify all the employees that may have worked with the specified employee during the selected period. For the relevant employees, the report displays the work date, the worked team, worked start and end times, and contact information. (Note: the search criteria for the shift is padded by 15 minutes at both ends of the shift to include other employees who may have started a shift earlier or ended a shift later.)

The Employee Contact Report is available now by contacting support via InforXtreme and will be part of the upcoming Infor WFM 7.1 release.

Paid Sick
You can track COVID-19-related paid sick time separately from your existing sick policies. Define a special COVID paid sick time balance and track its usage on employee timesheets by defining a unique time code.

See it in action - Here is a brief video that illustrates, how you can leverage time codes and balances today to help you track different sick events separately within Infor WFM.

Hazard Pay
If your organization is awarding hazard pay for employees working in certain locations, you can configure a Shift Premium Zone to automatically apply supplementary compensation to employees’ timesheets when criteria that you define are met. These payments can be made date effective, too, so when your hazard pay policy concludes, the rules will automatically stop awarding the extra payments.

Tracking Health Checks
Are you performing health checks on your employees? If so, consider defining and using an employee User-Defined Field to track the date of each employee’s most recent health check. You can also configure an alert to be notified when their health check renewal date is approaching.

Mobile Clocking
Eliminate queues at physical clocks by leveraging Infor Mobile WFM clocking. The mobile application can also be configured with special ‘Clock Presets’ that allow employees to indicate if they are not feeling well when they clock in. Take advantage of the mobile geo-fencing feature to make sure employees can only clock when they’re on-site.

In addition, making sure employees who are experiencing Covid-19 related symptoms do not work their scheduled shift is another important way to minimize potential exposure to other employees. With the Mobile Wellness Check, employees will be prompted to report if they are currently experiencing any symptoms. If they are, we’ll prohibit them from clocking in and inform them they need to see their manager. If they report they are symptom-free, they’ll be able to complete the clocking process as usual.

The Mobile WFM Wellness Check is available now via patch for versions 6.3 and up and will be part of our upcoming 7.1 release.

Time-off and Shift Trading
Employees who are sick or may have been exposed to the virus should stay home. Employees can use Infor Mobile WFM to submit a sick-day request or trade away shifts to a co-worker virtually to avoid going into work and potentially exposing others.

See the detailed configuration to implement a new COVID-specific paid sick time-off type.

Swipe & Go Clocking
If you’re an Infor WFM customer using the 8000 or 9000-series clocks, consider switching to a ‘Swipe & Go’ clocking process. At a time when we're trying to limit time lined up in queues, clocking on a physical clock during a shift change can result in employee clustering. Swipe & Go speeds up clock in/out process by having employees simply tap or swipe a badge. If you're in a badge environment, consider bypassing biometric/pin authentication and letting your employees get in and out as quickly as possible.

Also, the clock-based Wellness Check (described above) is available now via patch for versions 7.0 and up and will be part of our upcoming 7.1 release.

Historical Volume Replication for Forecasting

Many organizations have been hit hard by the pandemic. Store closures and/or significantly lower sales volumes can mean that historical volumes used for labor forecasting may not be of much use. The new Historical Volume Replication tool provides customers with a means to replicate the historical sales volume of drivers from one recent period to another.

The Historical Volume Replication Tool is available now via patch for versions 6.2.4 and up and will be part of our upcoming 7.1 release.

Visit to connect with someone in Support for more information.

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